[[tutos:machines_cadence:start|☚ retour à la page Tutoriel Cadence]] ====== Installation du DK cmos28 FDSOI ST version 2.9 ====== ===== Installation sur un poste fixe ===== ==== Products requirements ==== * **Cadence IC** : 06.17.706 \\ * **CDS / MMSIM** : 15.10.498 \\ * **MGC/Calibre** : 2016.3_19.12 \\ * **CDS / PVS** : 15.20.000 \\ * **CDS / EXT / QRC** : 15.25.000 \\ * **MGC/AMS/Eldo** : 16.3 \\ * **Star-RCXT** : k-2015.06-sp3 \\ * **Hspice** : l-2016.06-sp1 \\ * **ads for Momentum** : 2016.01_update1 \\ * **goldengate** : 4.10.0 \\ * **CDS / Incisive** : 15.20.010 \\ 1) Récupérer le dossier /home/polucasd/cadence/DK/cmos28fdsoi/cmos28fdsoi_29 2) Setup the following variables by executing the commands : \\ setenv CDS_INST_DIR \\ setenv mgc_ams \\ Execute the following 2 commands : \\ cd /usr/local/cmos28fdsoi_29/install \\ ./install_cmos28FDSOI_cds_mgcams ------------------------------------------------------------ When the prompt below appears, type Y and hit return. Do you want to install Artist Link? (Y/[N]) Y ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ When the prompt below appears, type y and hit return. -------------------------------------------------------------- --- WARNING: ADS (IDF) not defined ... \\ --- Do you still want to continue [n/y] ? -> y ------------------------------------------------------------- The installation is now completed. ============================================================= #################### \\ #################### \\ You should obtain a directory UNIOPUS in DP root installation directory. \\ You have to notice the following path : \\ /usr/local/cmos28fdsoi_29/UNIOPUS/uniopus_oa/cad_amsams2016_3_mmsim \\ This is the wrap path to Cadence IC installation to be used by the design-kit. \\ #################### \\ #################### \\ 3) Récupérer comme dossier de travail le dossier /usr/local/cmos28fdsoi_working_directory/working_directory 4) Dans ce dossier éditer le fichier .cshrc_cmos28fdsoi 5) Vérifier et modifier les différentes chemins : \\ setenv CMOS28FDSOI_DIR CDS_INST_DIR MMSIM from Cadence ADMS / Eldo from Mentor Hspice from Synopsys Modify the LM_LICENSE_FILE variable according to your installation Modify the section for Calibre installation and license Modify the sections Cadence PVS and Cadence QRC/EXT etc ... 6) source ./.cshrc_cmos28fdsoi 7) virtuoso & \\ //Cadence OpenAccess framework should start with the right configuration.// ===== Installation sur serveur distant LE²P - Serveur cadence ===== 1) Copier le dossier /home/cadence/DK/cmos28fdsoi_10a/install/setup_working_dir dans le dossier de travail pour ce DK // (i.e. /home//cadence/projet_cmos28FDSOI) // 2) Ce dossier sera le dossier de travail dans lequel il faudra se placer pour lancer Cadence 3) Ajouter l'utilisateur dans le groupe //cadence// (/etc/group) 3) source ./.cshrc_cmos28fdsoi 4) virtuoso & \\ //Cadence OpenAccess framework should start with the right configuration.//